Miner’s Monthly: February 2022

‘Coal in New Zealand’ campaign reaches 1.5 million views and counting

A series of videos and online articles explaining the need for coal in New Zealand’s basic and essential industries in this country have together accumulated more than 1,500,000 views and counting. The website can be found at www.coal.kiwi.

Following a successful first round of videos explaining coal’s role in electricity generation, food production, and the New Zealand economy, a second round of videos was released in mid-January.

These videos looked at what the required increase in electricity generation from hydroelectricity, wind power, or solar electricity would be needed to replace coal in the electricity sector alone.

How many Clyde Dams would it take to save New Zealand from fossil fuels?

How many wind farms would it take to save New Zealand from fossil fuels?

How many solar panels and batteries would it take to save New Zealand from fossil fuels?

Minerals West Coast forum date yet to be determined

Minerals West Coast’s forum for 2021 had been postponed for a saved date of 23rd March 2022 prior to the Covid-19 Omicron outbreak and resultant red traffic light settings. Due to the current red traffic light setting, Minerals West Coast will further delay Minerals West Coast’s next forum, until it can be planned with greater certainty at a less restrictive traffic light setting – either green or ideally orange.

The red traffic light settings mean that any events held require by law:

  • That fewer than 100 people are in attendance
  • All in attendance have vaccine passports
  • All delegates observe at least one metre of social distancing
  • All in attendance be seated while food or drinks are served and consumed

Some companies and government departments have policies in place restricting or inhibiting inter-regional travel and/or attendance of events at the red traffic light setting.

Minerals West Coast intends to hold its forum as soon as it is possible to do so. As soon as alert level restrictions allow (most likely following a change in settings) and will make the time, date, and other details known as soon as they are confirmed.

Mining on conservation land discussed on RNZ Nights

The issue of mining on conservation land remains a controversial and unsettled issue ever since the incoming government in late 2017 issued a proclamation in its “speech from the throne” that there would be “no new mines” on public conservation land.

In early 2022 any confirmation about whether this commitment will ever come to pass has yet to be given one way or the other.

In the first of five slots on RNZ’s evening show, Nights,  in 2022, Minerals West Coast’s manager, Patrick Phelps, took the opportunity to discuss plans by OceanaGold to explore for and potentially mine gold underneath Coromandel Forest Park, and in turn the wider topic of mining on public conservation land.

Patrick Phelps’s full interview can be listened to below.

The following night, RNZ spoke to former Green Party list MP and chairperson of anti-mining group, Coromandel Watchdog, Catherine Delahunty. The full interview can be found below.

Mining Matters #12: The Goldmine and the Frog

Te Tai Poutini plan exposure draft published for feedback

The planners working on the Te Tai o Poutini plan, a single district plan for all three districts on the West Coast, have released the exposure draft for feedback from the wider community.

An outline of the exposure draft, the zones that will exist in the districts and what they will allow or restrict, and the process for giving feedback can be read in the document below.

Minerals West Coast is going to be submitting feedback on the draft plan – if you have any questions or would like to make any comments through Minerals West Coast please contact Patrick Phelps at manager@mwc.org.nz or phone 021 238 6846.